President's Desk
Welcome To The Indian Society of Soil
Survey and Land Use Planning (ISSLUP)
The Indian Society of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning (ISSLUP) came into existence on September 20, 1986, in Nagpur under Societies registration act XXI of 1860 (Registration no. Maharashtra 301/87, Nagpur) with 143 founder members. Late S.V. Govindarajan, former Chief Soil Survey Officer of the then All India Soil & Land Use Survey, New Delhi was elected as founder President and Dr S.B. Deshpande as its first Secretary. At present, the Society has 976 life members, 1 annual and 50 institutional and 1 student members. The society has three local chapters at New Delhi, Kolkata and Jorhat. Society Publish Agropedology Journal bi-annually ie., December and June every year. The society organises national and international seminars on contemporary themes.
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Dr. Pramod Tiwary , Honorary Secretary
Indian Society of Soil Survey & Land Use Planning (ISSLUP), National Bureau of Soil Survey and Land Use Planning Campus, Amravati Road, Nagpur- 440 033 , India
Phone: 0712-6459496, 2500545, 2500664, 2500386, 6459496
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